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  • Writer's pictureElaine Marie Carnegie


by Binod Dawadi

Please welcome Binod to the Writer’s Journey Blog this week.


I am Binod Dawadi from Purano Naikap 13, Kathmandu, Nepal. I have completed my master’s degree in English from Tribhuvan University. I get motivation and enlightenment from reading literature. It inspires me and makes me a better man, changes my habits, and my writing slowly developed from reading the work of others.

I read the various genres and types of literature such as essays, short stories, poems, novels, and drama. I used to believe that all things are materialistic, and all things are related to wealth. I thought I could do anything with wealth… I could achieve happiness and fulfill my American dream. But when I read and read and completed my master’s degree, I began to realize that money is not everything.

This paper (money) cannot provide the happiness it promises, and also it creates discrimination and division as well. For those who have no money, no one listens to their voices… So, I decided to listen to their voices, and I started to write.

My aim of writing is to give justice to the people who are in pain. Whose voices are neglected and not heard. They weep and cry all day and night, struggle and do hard work in their life. But they can't join their hand and mouth. I have also read texts related to them like Heart Of Darkness, Sailing To The Byzantium, The Waste Land and Kubla Khan. Such text motivates me so much to write and do something in literature so their voices may be heard.

So, I started to write. I express the situations of society as poverty, women’s inequality, young generations problems, child life problems and elderly problems.

I also focus on the metaphysical world like looking at the world which is beyond imagination, and which is beyond our control. In thoughts writers bring forth worlds like Utopia. I think myself and other writers are doing so to heal our own pain also. Maybe to resolve our problems which cannot be unraveled in this world, and which need to be answered in any world. So, I don't look at any particular issue. I write about all the things of this world and the metaphysical world to heal the people and the world. Writing works as a medicine.

One’s writing can exist in immortal time, and it will be a response to the same problems or situations of the people or the world. Without writing we can't express our imaginations or thoughts to the world. People can be motivated as well and get inspiration from our writing.

A writer is a third God, so I sometimes imagine I am God and write to try and solve the problems of the people. To give justice to them. Some of my published books are The Power Of Words, The Power Of Words 2, The Life Of A Vampire and others are coming soon.

The loving audiences and readers sustain my writing. I never want to stop my writing journey. The only advice I have for other writers is that they connect to writers and literary groups and just write. They can sharpen their talent and be great writers. This is a digital world, and it is very easy to learn, write and publish your work.

Bio: Binod Dawadi likes to read and writes many genres. He is the author of many poems and stories. Binod is a creative man and does not waste his time. He sees the troubles and obstacles of the people and is always helping the poor and believes through writing and art it is possible to change the knowledge and perspectives of people toward many things.

Binod loves his country, Nepal very much. He is familiar with many cultures in his country as well as foreign countries and is always thinking and solves his problems by using his mind. He dreams to be a great man in this life.

He has published poetry books by Prodigy, The Power of Words, Love and Life’s Difficulties, Nature, Animals and Human Beings. He writes in Nepali, and English magazines and Anthologies. He works day and night to become a successful writer. He is active in distributing his knowledge in literature as well as in teaching and is very dedicated to his work.

Binod dreams of becoming wealthy to help the poor people in society and he never loses hope in life. His vision is to change society through knowledge, so he is always working to give enlightenment to the people.

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Thanks so much for sharing your writing story with us. I was touched by your desire to help people through your words. Very moving indeed. Congrats on your successes.



Thank you Elaine for helping me so much. As well as for all writers as well as readers for this blog. Their all comments are good for me to change me. Thank you so much for loving and caring me.

Elaine Marie Carnegie
Elaine Marie Carnegie

You are very welcome Binod!! Thankyou.


Jim Bates
Jim Bates

Hi Binod! This was an inspiring read! Thank you so much for sharing you journey. Here's wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.



I think most writers hope to change the world with their words, but it is clear this is your primary reason for writing. An intriguing post. I enjoyed reading it. Welcome to The Writers Journey!


Tim Law
Tim Law

What a noble reason for writing Binod. So thrilled that you have joined our growing family.

Elaine Marie Carnegie
Elaine Marie Carnegie

Thank you Tim

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