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  • Writer's pictureElaine Marie Carnegie

Why I Write

by Tim Law

Please welcome Tim Law to the Writers Journey Blog this week!

I write to discover how the image that has popped into my head fits into the story that starts forming in my mind. Is it a beginning, middle or end? Is what I thought the beginning actually only a part of that all-important middle. When will I have enough time to write all the stories that pop into my mind? When will the ideas stop coming? What will I write next? I write for the joy of discovery and then the wonder and amazement of acceptance. I find myself in a unique position, as both writer and librarian that I can see how one can help the other. Here in Australia, especially in my home state of South Australia we (libraries) are all sharing one database, one network of library services. When one library hosts an author event we all hear about it. I see this, welcoming a writer whether they are well established or not so well known as a form of that acceptance. I enjoy giving that encouragement to fresh new faces, just as much as I enjoy hearing the highs and lows of experience from those writers who are lucky enough to be household names. From these established writers there are many lessons that I and other newbies can learn if we are clever enough to allow others to make the mistakes. That is why in my mind it is important for Libraries to promote local authors, fresh new faces, the brand-new talent that our communities may otherwise not know about. These new writers freshly published and those who have been at it for years spur me on in my own journey as a writer. They all encourage me either directly or indirectly to tell my stories with hope of one day turning my words into a physical (or digital) book that I too can promote to friends, family and hopefully communities with a little luck and a little knowhow via those wonderful gateways to the readership…

Libraries. I understand that getting your foot in the door as an unknown writer is a challenge, something that I may have a slight advantage over many when the time is right. But I encourage all writers to try and try again where it comes to libraries, they are the key to so many readers.

Before I became a librarian, I was always a story lover. My mum used to read to my brother and me at night as we lay in bed. While my brother fell immediately asleep to the sound of mum’s voice, I found myself awake for so long after wondering what will happen next to the characters, the story still goes on. Quite often I would find myself under the sheets with a torch and a book trying to get just one more chapter read. Mum encouraged me to write down and share my ideas, starting with a couple of picture books I created in my early primary school years, then I started writing short stories which I would give as gifts. While my father encouraged me to find stable employment mum continued to tell me to dream big. Now I have a multitude of writer friends spread throughout the world who help me celebrate my acceptances, commiserate with me when my story is rejected and encourage me to write and share more and more stories. In turn I try to be there for those who are there for me. We celebrate, support and generally share experiences whether good or bad so that the next new writers can have the greatest opportunity. I have learnt from the knowledge and experience of these other writers that there are so many opportunities now to be published, especially online. When a story is rejected by one publisher there is always somewhere else to send it. Very few stories have no place to go and if you find that something literally has no home then you can share it on a blog or social media post. Some of the greatest poetry I have ever read has popped up in a feed, I stop, I read, I comment.

Writers supporting writers is so vital now.

I am driven by my desire to see myself and others succeed in this crazy profession, being a writer is a labour of love which sometimes results in success and in rare cases results in fame and fortune. I do not seek the highs of fame but would love to be able to write full time. Until then I write when I can and find joy in doing so.

My first publication is my high and my low. So many lessons learnt on that fateful day in July 2018 when I stumbled down the path of self-publishing with AMAZON. Those who can do it and do it well I tip my hat to, my initial and only experience was a bad one, but it has led to my having a published novel I can call my own and the best Christmas surprise when I opened up my gift from my wife and found a copy of The Eleventh Tome written by Timothy Law. My wife’s sister bought a copy for her husband too, so Christmas Day I got to do my first ever book signing as a published author, such a thrill. I say my experience self-publishing this way was bad because I truly did not know what I was doing (and still don’t) and the book that resulted I can find numerous faults with. From this experience though I then discovered submitting to online magazines and other similar sites and I have had many publishing successes with drabble (50 to 100 words), flash (100 to 1,000 words) and short story length pieces. This length of work I now feel comfortable producing regularly.

And so that is me, Tim, my writing and my advice. Support is so important, and I feel so lucky I have found some, but equally lucky I can give it back too.

We all make mistakes, but the biggest mistake is to try and do it all alone.

Tim Law is an author of fantasy, horror, detective and general fiction who heralds from a little town in Southern Australia called Murray Bridge. A happily married father of three, family is very important to him. Currently working at the Murray Bridge Library in the role of Manager he has dreamed since high school of becoming a full-time author. Working for a library, surrounded by so many wonderful stories it’s difficult not to be inspired. The greatest inspiration of all for him comes from asking “what if?”

Many of his short stories and general musings can be found at

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Lisa Huffines Owens
Lisa Huffines Owens
Sep 02, 2021

I think you would be the most liked man in America, if you ever chose to move to this debacle! LOL I am honored to have you as my author-amigo in Australia. Nice to get to know you a little better! You have my dream job. I always wanted to be a librarian...unfortunately for the library, I would spend my days hidden in a corner reading.😃

Tim Law
Tim Law
Sep 02, 2021
Replying to

You are so kind with your wonderful words of support and encouragement ❤️ I am not sure the whole of America knows me (yet) but I am happy to think that I now have so many international amigos through our shared experiences 😁 Looking forward to celebrating more writing success... Whether it be yours, mine or that of the other incredibly talented creators we know. I totally agree that librarian is the best and worst job for an author... So many great stories but so little time to read them all 😳🤣


Jim Bates
Jim Bates
Aug 31, 2021

What a wonderful interview by the always likeable Tim Law. It was great to learn more about this talented and imaginative writer. Thank you so much for sharing your story, Tim. Writers Supporting Writers is the way to go!! See you around :)

Tim Law
Tim Law
Aug 31, 2021
Replying to

Many thanks to you Jim my good friend. You are a prime example of one writer who is happy to share his experiences with other writers. You are a wealth of encouragement and guidance that has helped me a great deal.


Sue Marie St Lee
Sue Marie St Lee
Aug 30, 2021

Hi Tim! Great interview. I love learning more about my comrades. Your recollection of when your mother would read to you and your brothers is heartwarming. Write on, and on, and on!

Tim Law
Tim Law
Aug 31, 2021
Replying to

Thank you so much Sue. I am the result of my past experiences and often fall back to them for inspiration. My mother has been a great one for expanding my imagination and gifting me with the confidence to write and share my stories. So grateful <3


Kylie Davis
Kylie Davis
Aug 30, 2021

An amazing author that I am blessed to be able to call a friend <3

Tim Law
Tim Law
Aug 31, 2021
Replying to

Great to hear from you Kylie <3 We go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back!! I too feel so blessed to call you friend. Thank you for all of your amazing support and encouragement...


Aug 30, 2021

Tim Law is an incredible author who I met in the writing community. He is spot on about writers supporting each other! I look forward to reading many more entertaining stories from him. Congratulations, Tim!

Tim Law
Tim Law
Aug 30, 2021
Replying to

Thank you very much for your interest and support. I am so very grateful ❤️

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