Mr. Bernard Nards Quince asked me if I had ever thought of doing a book from my blog? Truthfully, the thought had never crossed my mind but now that he let that genie out of the bottle I am having a hard time trying to stuff it back in!
In conjunction with Barrio Blues Press I would like to compile a book of short stories submitted by each author who has been featured on the Writer’s Journey Blog.
So, I like the idea of all my faves writing a story that has to do with a journey perhaps?? So early on I would like some participation from all of you and next week’s Blog post will list the finalized submissions guidelines and dates. Till then… emcarnegie1056@gmail.com. Write to me and tell me what you would like the stories to be about and how long. What about a title? What kind of submissions would you like to see/genre/length?
Here’s to all of you below who have journeyed with me in the two years the Writer’s Journey Blog has been traveling, AND TO NEW ROADS!!!
I am grateful to you each and everyone!!
Let me hear from you… Where do we go from here?
Bernard Nards Quince
Susan Baggott
Jane Bayliss
Martina Reisz Newberry
Mysti Milwee
John Drudge
Tim Curry
A Stump
Ann Stolinsky
Cheryl Burman
Amrita Valan
Vonnie Winslow Crist
Melissa Sell
Sue Marie St. Lee
Paula R.C. Readman
Josh Taylor
Eva Marie Cagley
Tim Curry
Justin Wiggins
Michelle River
Joshua Marsella
Kerri Jesmer
Pritti J
Bruce Rowe
David Bowmore
Christine Tabaka
Christy Miller
Judith Speizer
Patt O’Neill
P C Darkcliff
The Gemini Wordsmiths
Anne Stolinsky
Ruth Litner
Mike Turner
Lynn Phillips
Sharon Frame Gray
Maureen Sherbondy
Steven Carr Sweetycat Press
J C Raye
Judith Speizer Crandall
James Goodrich
Julie Brown
Julie Eger
Deborah Ratliffe
Diane Williams
Shawn Klimek
A. Stump
Jerry Roth
Debbie Burke
Tony Milligan
Carmen Baca
Iris Mars
Emma Lombard
Mark Scheel
Nancy Lou Henderson
Dawn Hosmer
Mehreen Ahmed
Blaine Wright
Jay M
Jim Bates
Dawn DeBraal
Dawn Hosmer
Gabriella Balcolm
Jack Mulcahy
Jesu Estrada
Natalie Gasper
C L Steele
Richard Tomlin
Lynn Miclea
This sounds truly awesome! I'd love to be involved!